• DotA history. When did you start? How did you start? Where have you played so far?
Arxisa na pezw me friends kai etc se lan. Meta afou eliwsa asxima to pira spiti kai kaika
. Den exw peksei se kana spoudaio clan channel gt kala games protimo garena. Alla psaxnw ena kalo channel gia poiotika games
• Clan history. (if not covered in profile)
Den tis thimame oles: OcoD, StR, GTP, TDL, CoDD, WaR
• Gameplay info. Heroes you hate/love?
Oloi oi pektes einai treloi kai apolita balanced (gia mena toulaxiston) Exw adinamia ston Blood Seeker
• Motivation to play. What do you consider a game good aka GG?
H apantisi stin erwtisi auti einai o kirioteros logo pou psaxnw sovaro clan channel gia games. GG= Omadiko game, me irwes pou allilostirizonte. Me trela combo kai stratigiki gia ti niki.
• How skilled you consider yourself. High/Average?
Dn eimai to gourou tis DotA alla t niw8w. Mono to 1v1 dn to mporw poli, alla an to test game einai 1v1 8a prospathisw
• What you expect from CdC. How did you hear of CdC?
Psaxnw kala paidia p na niw8oun kai na pezoume wraia games me apeiro fun. Tr epeidi eimai kai ladderas dn tha me xalouse kana AT alla an dn pezei np.
• Connection - Ability to host? Is it stable enough? Do you drop out of games often?
Xalara hostarw, exw kali sindesi kai diko m hostbot. Dn exw dc sta games kai etc